I’m currently trying to rework a plane script a developer of mine made for me over a year ago, as mentioned here.
Anyway, whenever I try to have this code run, which is fired via sending the localscript into the player and detecting mouse movements, it crashes the testing place.
local seat = script:WaitForChild("this")
local connection = seat.Value
local USINS=game:getService("UserInputService")
local player=game.Players.LocalPlayer
local rem=script.Parent.Motor.remotes
local ControlModule = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule.ControlModule)
local Speed = 100
local Turn = 0
local ClickMove = false --If enabled, your jet will only move towards the last clicked location.
local Mouse = player:GetMouse()
local fly = connection.Parent:WaitForChild("fly")
local gyro = connection.Parent.Engine.BodyGyro
local velo = connection.Parent.Engine.BodyVelocity
if fly ~= nil then
if USINS.TouchEnabled then
ClickMove = true
local Down = false
function GetBankAngle(M) --This function calculates the Bank Angle
local VSX,X = M.ViewSizeX,M.X
local Ratio = (((VSX/2) - X)/(VSX/2))
Ratio = (Ratio < -1 and -1 or Ratio > 1 and 1 or Ratio)
return math.rad(Ratio * 80)
if connection.Parent ~= nil then
while fly.Value == true do
if velo.MaxForce == Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge) and not USINS:GetFocusedTextBox() then
Mouse.TargetFilter = game.Workspace
local BankAngle = GetBankAngle(Mouse)
gyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
velo.maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
gyro.cframe = (Mouse.Hit*CFrame.Angles(0,0,BankAngle))
velo.velocity = (connection.Parent.Engine.CFrame.lookVector)*100
I’m still new to using body movers and the like, so I don’t understand what the issue is (probably an infinite loop deal, but I have no idea what the base case should be). Instead of a while loop, I would use a function that would determine when the player moved their mouse; it did not crash studio, but it would get wonky flight paths like this:
As you can see, the alignment of the jet and its velocity were not consistent.
Here is the following code for this system:
----client sided control script
---insert values from above code here
Mouse.TargetFilter = game.Workspace
--while fly.Value == true do
Mouse.TargetFilter = game.Workspace
--- server-sided control script
local engine = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Engine")
local gyro = engine:WaitForChild("BodyGyro")
local velo = engine:WaitForChild("BodyVelocity")
local m
function GetBankAngle(viewx, x) --This function calculates the Bank Angle
local VSX,X = viewx,x
local Ratio = (((VSX/2) - X)/(VSX/2))
Ratio = (Ratio < -1 and -1 or Ratio > 1 and 1 or Ratio)
return math.rad(Ratio * 80)
script.Parent.controls.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, command, mouse, mPos, xview, x)
if command == "move" then
if mouse ~= nil then
m = mouse
local BankAngle = GetBankAngle(xview, x)
gyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
velo.maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
gyro.cframe = (mouse*CFrame.Angles(0,0,BankAngle))
velo.velocity = (engine.CFrame.lookVector)*100