Need Help Understanding GamePasses

Hello Developers, :wave:

I desperately need help understand game passes and functions like PromptGamePassPurchase and other functions like that. Youtube tutorials don’t make sense so does the wiki. Any reply is appreciated! :smiley:

Basically gamepasses are one time purchases that players can buy. This one of 2 types of monetizations you can add to your game, the other being Developer Products, which can be bought more than once.

PromptGamePassPurchase(player,gamepassid) is a method that prompts the player instance specified in player to purchase a gamepass with the id of gamepassid

PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished is an event that runs whenever someone has interacted with the GamePass Prompt Gui shown from PromptGamePassPurchase

It has 3 parameters you can use

player - This is the player that was shown the prompt
gamepassId - This is the id of the gamepass shown in the prompt
wasPurchased This tells you if the player purchased the gamepass or closed the prompt

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