My group is talls and smols - Roblox
Glitch Glitch :・゚✧
What i used before How to Create a Rank Management System using Glitch - #6 by fireboltofdeath
What do you want to achieve? I want a working bot that allows me to click a button either GUI or a part and for it to change my role to either Talls or Smols but I have many variations of Talls and Smols example donut, worker and clothing designer .I want it to be able to detect what role you are in example your in clothing designer then switch you to the Talls or Smols version of clothing designer.
What is the issue? I don’t know how to script in Roblox studio so that it checks which player has clicked the button and what role it has already and how it changes the role.
What solutions have you tried so far? i checked what i used before but i still cant understand it.
After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Server = require(script.Server)
local Server = {}
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Configs = require(script.Parent.Configs)
local function Request(Function, RequestBody)
--Before sending the request, add our auth_key to the body
RequestBody["auth_key"] = Configs.AUTH_KEY
local response = HttpService:RequestAsync(
-- The website to send the request to. Function is the extended part of the URL for specific functions.
-- In this case, Function = 'GroupShout'
-- Example:
-- "Configs.BaseUrl..Function" would be equal to:
Url = Configs.BaseUrl..Function,
-- The request method (all of ours will be POST)
Method = "POST",
-- We are sending JSON data in the body
Headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
-- The body of the request containing the parameters for the request
Body = HttpService:JSONEncode(RequestBody)
if response.Success then
print("Status code:", response.StatusCode, response.Body)
print("Response body:\n", response.Body)
return response.Body
print("The request failed:", response.StatusCode, response.Body)
return response.Body
Server.Promote = function(GroupId, UserId)
assert(typeof(GroupId) == "number", "Error: GroupId must be an integer") -- Throw error if GroupId is not an integer
assert(typeof(UserId) == "number", "Error: UserId must be an integer") -- Throw error if UserId is not an integer
local Body = {
Group = GroupId;
Target = UserId;
-- pcall the function 'Request', with arguments 'Promote' and Body
local Success, Result = pcall(function()
return Request('Promote', Body)
Server.Demote = function(GroupId, UserId)
assert(typeof(GroupId) == "number", "Error: GroupId must be an integer") -- Throw error if GroupId is not an integer
assert(typeof(UserId) == "number", "Error: UserId must be an integer") -- Throw error if UserId is not an integer
local Body = {
Group = GroupId;
Target = UserId;
local Success, Result = pcall(function()
return Request('Demote', Body)
Server.SetRank = function(GroupId, UserId, RankId)
assert(typeof(GroupId) == "number", "Error: GroupId must be an integer") -- Throw error if GroupId is not an integer
assert(typeof(UserId) == "number", "Error: UserId must be an integer") -- Throw error if UserId is not an integer
assert(typeof(RankId) == "number", "Error: RankId must be an integer") -- Throw error if RankId is not an integer
local Body = {
Group = GroupId;
Target = UserId;
Rank = RankId;
local Success, Result = pcall(function()
return Request('SetRank', Body)
Server.HandleJoinRequest = function(GroupId, PlayerUsername, Boolean)
assert(typeof(GroupId) == "number", "Error: GroupId must be an integer") -- Throw error if GroupId is not an integer
assert(typeof(PlayerUsername) == "string", "Error: PlayerUsername must be a string") -- Throw error if PlayerUsername is not a string
assert(typeof(Boolean) == "boolean", "Error: Boolean must be a boolean value") -- Throw error if Boolean is not a boolean value
local Body = {
Group = GroupId;
Username = PlayerUsername;
Accept = Boolean; -- true or false
local Success, Result = pcall(function()
return Request('HandleJoinRequest', Body)
Server.GroupShout = function(GroupId, ShoutMessage)
assert(typeof(GroupId) == "number", "Error: GroupId must be an integer") -- Throw error if GroupId is not an integer
assert(typeof(ShoutMessage) == "string", "Error: ShoutMessage must be a string") -- Throw error if ShoutMessage is not a string
local Body = {
Group = GroupId;
Message = ShoutMessage;
local Success, Result = pcall(function()
return Request('GroupShout', Body)
return Server
I also have config but that’s got sensitive info on it.
Configs script as a module script
Server script as a module script.
please help in anyway you can