Need help w/ datastore

need help w/ my datastore

local folder = script.Parent.Second_Stats:GetChildren()
local gems = folder.Gems
local money = folder.Money

local config = game.Workspace.Main.Configurations
local sett = require(config)
local DataStoreservice = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local ds = DataStoreservice:GetDataStore(sett.datastoreName)

    local loadedds =  ds:GetAsync(player.UserId)
    local Values = script.PlayerStats:Clone()
    Values.Parent = player

    if loadedds ~= nil then

        gems.Value = 0
        money.Value = 0

If you could also help w/ PlayerRemoving as well that would help a ton!

I’ll add comments stating any error I find. I don’t know how the game’s hierarchy is so I can’t really say much about typing/spelling mistakes:

local folder = script.Parent.Second_Stats:GetChildren() -- You're using :GetChildren() here. This means that the 'folder' variable will just return an array of all its children instead of itself
local gems = folder.Gems -- You can't get the gems from the array of children
local money = folder.Money -- Same thing here

local config = game.Workspace.Main.Configurations -- minor detail, but you can just use 'workspace' instead of 'game.Workspace'
local sett = require(config)
local DataStoreservice = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local ds = DataStoreservice:GetDataStore(sett.datastoreName) -- I'm not sure what does this mean. I'm guessing the 'datastoreName' is a function of the 'config' module which returns a string (so the name of the datastore you're trying to get)

    local loadedds =  ds:GetAsync(player.UserId)
    local Values = script.PlayerStats:Clone()
    Values.Parent = player

    if loadedds ~= nil then

        gems.Value = 0
        money.Value = 0

You need to update the DataStore everytime the player leaves. It’s really easy. Are you trying to set both gems and money values in the same datastore or in separate ones?

I understand everything in the script. I made the first 3 lines. The rest was made by a friend but he is not that advanced in datastores.
the part i need help most is this

	if loadedds ~= nil then

		gems.Value = 0
		money.Value = 0

In the unedited version this is the comment he put in

    if loadedds ~= nil then
        -- put in values here
        -- put in values here (THIS HAPPENDS IF A DATASTORE DOESNT EXIST

This is the hiearchy
and datastoreName is this

Oh, now it makes more sense.

if loadedds ~= nil then

	gems.Value = 0
	money.Value = 0

What do you not understand here?

I edited the post above. Please check out the new changes.
What i dont understand is how I would load the values/save it.

Use :UpdateAsync() under a PlayerRemoving event. However there are 2 values, so either you create two separate datastores, one for the gems and one for the money, or you wrap the money and gems values inside a table and save the table instead.

   ds:UpdateAsync(Player.UserId, function(Old)
      local New = Old or {}
      New = {["Gems"] = gems.Value; ["Money"] = money.Value;}
      return New

if I use this then I will I have to remove the folder? or what?