Need help with a Corrupted Local Place File after Blue screen

I’ve been working on this place a lot and now I can’t open it :cold_sweat:

not sure why I can’t recover this, does anyone have any ideas?

I checked in AutoSaves and RecentSaves, nothing is in there… despite it being enabled

let me know if you have had the same issue

before you ask:

  • Opening other files work fine

  • I restarted my PC

  • It’s a Local file, meaning that it is on my computer and not accessible online

  • I don’t share my files with anyone

  • No, I don’t have Teamcreate on, the place is Offline

Error code: driver_irql_not_less_or_equal

Can you open it from the Roblox website?
Or try to download the latest ot the one before the latest version from the roblox website

It’s a Local place file, so I can’t do what you suggested

Did you share it with someone? Do you have teamcreate open?

No, I don’t use Teamcreate and I haven’t shared the file with anyone

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Try logging into your account from another pc.

what do you mean by that?

The game isn’t accessible via the internet, I don’t understand how logging into my account on other PC would help.

I’ll try to explain the situation:

the file that is corrupted was NEVER published to Roblox, it is a Local file, on my Computer, it is not accessible online.

the reason why I never publish this file to Roblox is because I usually code offline, because I don’t like using Teamcreate and I also prefer working offline (not accessing the game via website)

Did you mean to suggest something else?

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Well here’s the error.

You had a blue screen of death, assuming by the error (XML error) the place file was corrupted. The reason for this corruption is where it’s being stored. If you look at the location on the error, it says that it was in your onedrive directory. OneDrive is a cloud-based backup system created by microsoft for windows to store any data so that you can backup if your PC gets infected or you need a file.

You must likely had a windows service crash or something of the sort, this would cause onedrive to have a chance of crashing either mid-save or while syncing. This would cause it to abruptly stop writing data to the cloud and so when OneDrive tries to loadup your game file from the cloud/directory it won’t work.

tl;dr : if it was a system service error, your onedrive directory was in use and was writing to your game file so it is now corrupted with broken XML code.

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That does explain what has happened, thank you for that but do you have any solutions to how I can recover the file?

I rather not code everything all over again

FYI: even though I have OneDrive it’s disabled, my files aren’t sync to Microsoft, I turned it off because it was really annoying when moving / deleting files

I only use it occasionally,

I should probably do a scan on my entire PC

You can’t recover the file, the best you can do is pay someone to recode parts of the XML that are corrupted but that’s immense waste of time. There is a chance the file can be heavily corrupted or theres a chance that it can be 1 line.

It’s not recommend to try and repair these files as it takes a lot of time or a skilled tool to do so.

Sorry dude.

Did you publish the game to roblox? If you did you can revert.

No, I would have already done that if I could.

I was working on Code, so I just need to recover the code, I don’t care about the other parts

You can’t recover anything my friend, I’ve looked this up and this question has been asked many times. The game file is dead, you can’t recover it. sorry.

It might be worth checking out the source of the XML file and seeing if you can repair it manually. Save a normal baseplate as an XML file and use that to compare to your corrupted save for reference.

If you’re super lucky it’ll only be partially corrupted and you’ll be able to recover some or all of the file. Good luck!!

How can I do this when I can’t save the corrupted file as a .rbxlx?

Ah, sorry, I thought the error in the OP meant you were using an XML file. I guess you’re out of luck. Been in a very similar situation before and couldn’t recover a massive project of mine and had to remake from scratch.

Only thing you can do is rewrite and use version control. Syncing to something like GitHub will be an absolute lifesaver if this happens again!

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I only know Rojo, can you suggest something for version control?

Perhaps I should start using Packages

I have Scanned my entire Pc for errors and set up a File backup system + back up system image to make sure that when this happens again it won’t make much of an impact on my work.

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Studio’s autosave feature is notoriously unreliable. I once went two weeks without a single autosave being created (the setting was enabled) and I was developing in studio daily. In the years I’ve been using VS Code, the only time I have experienced file loss/corruption (even with entire system crashes) is when my entire hard drive failed. Visual Studio Code’s autosave is absolutely flawless and happens in the background, you don’t have to touch it.

So, yes, use Rojo! If for no other reason than a lower chance of losing work. Rojo opens so many doors with your workflow and pairing it with version control will mean you will never have this issue again.

Edit: The autosave example I gave happened a few months ago. Just checked my autosave folder and its been a week since my last autosave (still with daily development). Wow.

You could check to see if there was any backups on OneDrive, as I know OneDrive has version history. If not, I’d used Rojo from this point forward along with some form of git version control.

Yikes, I can’t do what you suggested

I’d double check anyways. Microsoft likes to decide whats best for you sometimes and turn things like OneDrive sync back on after an update. I know I’ve turned it off before, and yet some how, my files were syncing with OneDrive.