I want to edit a leaderboard script to show the devforum rank of each player, but I don’t know much about scripting. All I need to know is how I can fetch these ranks. Any solutions?
(I’ll be reading replies at a later time, I need to sleep since it’s 4 am for me.)
You just need to make a GET request to the player’s devforum profile json. Make sure you enable HTTP requests. To quickly do that if you haven’t already just run this in command bar:
game:GetService("HttpService").HttpEnabled = true
Since you can’t make requests to roblox.com or *.roblox.com you will need to use a proxy. I will use rprxy.xyz.
local URL_FORMAT = "https://devforum.rprxy.xyz/u/%s.json"
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
You’ll then want to listen for PlayerAdded.
Then making the GET request to the proxy to get their devforum info.