Need help with a devforum rank leaderboard

I want to edit a leaderboard script to show the devforum rank of each player, but I don’t know much about scripting. All I need to know is how I can fetch these ranks. Any solutions?

(I’ll be reading replies at a later time, I need to sleep since it’s 4 am for me.)

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You just need to make a GET request to the player’s devforum profile json. Make sure you enable HTTP requests. To quickly do that if you haven’t already just run this in command bar:

game:GetService("HttpService").HttpEnabled = true

Since you can’t make requests to or * you will need to use a proxy. I will use

local URL_FORMAT = ""

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

You’ll then want to listen for PlayerAdded.


Then making the GET request to the proxy to get their devforum info.

local request_data = HttpService:RequestAsync({
    Url = URL_FORMAT:format(player.Name),
    Method = "GET"

Now you want to make sure this was successful, you will get an error if something went wrong or if the player doesn’t have a devforum account.

if request_data.Success then

So if it was successful then get the body of the result and decode it from JSON into a Lua table.

    local data = HttpService:JSONDecode(request_data.Body)

Then from here you can get the trust_level from the user field.


Thanks for the help, I’ll make sure to try this later.

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I got this error image