Need help with a Rideable Spider!

So, I am trying to make a Rideable Spider for my Game and I don’t know how to go about coding it. Would making invisible Tires and then connect it to the seat make it move?
If by any chance you have an Idea on how to code this please comment!
Thanks for your time! :slight_smile:

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You can just apply a BodyForce to make it move, but if you want to have animations you might need to use something else.

Is there a way to do it with animations?

You can actually use a humanoid to use the built in character controller which works and is easy, I’ve open sourced my project here so you can take a look at it.

Heh I also hade had the same concept to make a invisible vehicle represent the rideable object being a mech but the physics don’t match up, especially with rolling and climbing up inclines and also torque which the default humanoid movement does better,

Here is my other open sourced experimentation place on the matter, however I guess it could work if you customize it more to overcome those caveats like uphill torque and rolling acceleration.

Also using a vehicle to represent legs would be pretty tough if you want to do normal stuff like climb up stairs which spheres need additional help. TL;Dr prefer the humanoid character movement for humanoid like movement.

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Thnx a lot!! It finally worked