Need help with a round system

Hey guys I am trying to make a round system for bing in the lobby 30 seconds then teleporting to the map for 5 minutes.
I have tried to look it up trying to find something on how to make that but on YouTube they only show how to make seconds round system but not both or not just minutes round system.
Help Me
Can you please help me and script a round system that has 30 seconds in the lobby then teleport to a random map that is in a folder called maps. So like if any part or stuff in that folder it teleports to it for 5 minutes


you’re just blatantly asking for someone to script a part of the game for you

i dont think many people are going to respond positively

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You’re just asking people to script it for you… just hire someone.

We need to see your current scripts too…

Also if you’re just trying to copy from youtube, you’re not becoming a scripter. IF you properly understand everything in the video, it will come automatically.


Here’s what I would do. Add a script into ServerScriptService and name it RoundScript or whatever and add whatever code you want, add a wait(30), but put ALL of this in a while true do so it repeats and then do for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = position you want them to spawn)


If its showing seconds, clearly its using a wait() feature, just do 60x5 and you get how many seconds to put in…

Yes I am trying to understand the video as I go

For my round system i made boolvalue for checking if the round is started or not then made value which is Timer in seconds and i checked if the roundstatus is true then i made the time again to other value

Edit: and for timer to go less just did

while true do
     Timer.Value -= 1

local timer = --time here in seconds.
while wait(1) do
timer = timer - 1
if timer == 0 then
–do stuff here.

You can Add A Value in ReplicatedStorage and Call It “LobbyTimer”
You can Add A Value in ReplicatedStorage and Call It “RoundTimer”
Then You Can Use this in A Script.

local Intermission = 15 -- Time For Lobby
local RoundTime = 60  -- 1 Minute
local LobbyTimer = game.ReplicatedStorage.LobbyTimer -- We Define It Here
local RoundTimer = game.ReplicatedStorage.RoundTimer -- We Define It Here

function RoundStartInter()
    while true do
          wait(1) -- Every Second we Wait
          if RoundTimer.Value > 0 then -- Check if we Need to Deduct
                RoundTimer.Value = RoundTimer.Value - 1 -- Deduct A Number
                elseif LobbyTimer.Value <= 0 then -- Check if It already Reached Or Passed 0
                break -- Break the Loop

function StartInter()
      while true do
       wait(1) -- Every Second we Wait
       if RoundTimer.Value > 0 then -- Check if we Need to Deduct
             RoundTimer.Value = RoundTimer.Value - 1 -- Deduct A Number
            elseif RoundTimer.Value <= 0 then -- Check if It already Reached Or Passed 0
            break -- Break the Loop

repeat wait() until #game.Players:GetPlayers() > 0  -- Waits until A Player in in Game

RoundTimer.Value = RoundTime
LobbyTimer.Value = Intermission
StartInter() -- We call the Lobby Function

     if LobbyTimer.Value <= 0 then -- Time to Start New Round
         StartRoundInter() -- Call the Round Started Function
         LobbyTimer.Value = Intermission -- set the Time to Default   
          RoundTimer.Value = RoundTime       

     if RoundTimer.Value <= 0 then -- Time to Start New Round
         StartInter() -- Call the Lobby Function
         LobbyTimer.Value = Intermission -- set the Time to Default   
         RoundTimer.Value = RoundTime -- set the Time to Default

This is Just a Script to Show You How the Round System Script will Look Like.
I Tried My Best to Explain it Line by Line, Instead of Copy Pasting Try to Learn It.