Need help with a Tool in a Custom Character (Rig)

What do you want to achieve?
I want to make a Tool using a Meshpart but i’m using a Custom Character (Rig) and when equipping the tool, it won’t show up in the character hand, The custom character has a different “Arm” names on it, since i need them like that “RArm and LArm”. So i don’t know if there is another way of achieving this with an script or so…

What solutions have you tried so far?
I asked in some discords and i also searched here in Devforum but i found nothing…




Thanks in advance for helping out!

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There is no Right Arm that it can work with in the character therefore it does not actually equip you the tool

Yup i knew about that, but is there any other way of setting that Tool into the character with a script or something? x-x

Welding handle to arms and hoping it works