Need help with adonis admin

I’m making a game with adonis admin but I don’t know how to make autorank that ranks you when you have a role in a group. How do I make it?

I don’t use Adonis but I think there is a function which changes the ranks. You can connect it with GetRankInGroup().

Inside of the settings module within the loader, you will find a section called **HOW TO ADD ADMINISTRATORS** above settings.Ranks.

According to the documentation provided, it’s as simple as:

settings.Ranks = {
    ["Moderators"] = {
		Level = 100;
		Users = {
			"Group:GROUPID:RANK",--// Add users here

Additionally, you can grant admin to all those above a certain rank by adding a dash just before RANK:


I implore you to read the documentation provided carefully before asking for help online. It’s faster (no waiting!) and explained better in the documentation since examples are provided.

cc @octav20071 GetRankInGroup() is not needed as the feature is built into Adonis


i use admin try my game out please and if u what to make a admin u need hd than u add it in to the game please try my game follow me and i will follow u back enjoy my game Spider man game - Roblox

He asked for help with Adonis admin, not HD admin.