I have booked some progress cause the part now moves realistically with the sea(still need some changes before it really really is realistic) but as soon as i add more parts to the workspace the mesh just deforms like real weird. And i think that that is because the module script i used is being called multiple times so i changed the script in the part but now all the parts dissapear and the mesh isn’t being deformed
Here’s the module script:
local module = {}
-- Define the parameters of the waves
local n = 2 -- number of waves
local A = {0.05, 0.02, 0.0075, 0.005} -- amplitude of each wave
local k = {1.0, 1.5, 1.5, 2.5} -- wavenumber of each wave
local theta = {0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} -- direction of each wave
local omega = {} -- angular frequency of each wave
local phi = {} -- phase of each wave
-- Calculate the angular frequency and phase of each wave
for i = 1, n do
omega[i] = math.sqrt(9.81 * k[i])
phi[i] = math.random() * 2 * math.pi
-- Function to calculate the normal vector of the water surface at a given point (x, z, t)
function module.calculateWaveNormal(x, z, t)
local dx = 0
local dz = 0
for i = 1, n do
local angle = k[i] * (x * math.cos(theta[i]) + z * math.sin(theta[i])) - omega[i] * t + phi[i]
dx = dx - k[i] * A[i] * math.sin(angle) * math.cos(theta[i])
dz = dz - k[i] * A[i] * math.sin(angle) * math.sin(theta[i])
local normal = Vector3.new(-dx, 1, -dz).Unit
return normal
-- Function to calculate the tangent vector of the water surface at a given point (x, z, t)
function module.calculateWaveTangent(x, z, t)
local dx = 0
local dz = 0
for i = 1, n do
local angle = k[i] * (x * math.cos(theta[i]) + z * math.sin(theta[i])) - omega[i] * t + phi[i]
dx = dx - k[i] * A[i] * math.sin(angle) * math.cos(theta[i])
dz = dz - k[i] * A[i] * math.sin(angle) * math.sin(theta[i])
local tangent = Vector3.new(1, dx, dz).Unit
return tangent
-- Function to calculate the height of the water surface at a given point (x, z, t) and deform the mesh
function module.calculateWaveHeightAndDeformMesh(x, z, t)
local h = 0
for _, bone in ipairs(workspace.FBXImportGeneric.Plane:GetDescendants()) do
local pos = bone.WorldCFrame.Position
for i = 1, n do
h = h + A[i] * math.cos(k[i] * (pos.X * math.cos(theta[i]) + pos.Z * math.sin(theta[i])) - omega[i] * t + phi[i])
local offset = Vector3.new(0, h, 0)
bone.CFrame = bone.CFrame + offset
local normal = module.calculateWaveNormal(x, z, t) -- calculate the normal vector of the water surface at the given point
local tangent = module.calculateWaveTangent(x, z, t) -- calculate the tangent vector of the water surface at the given point
return h, normal, tangent -- return both the height and normal and tangent vectors of the water surface at the given point
-- Return the module table so that its contents can be accessed from another script
return module
And here’s the normal script inside each part that i want to move realistically with the sea:
-- Get a reference to the Debris object
local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
-- Get a reference to all the parts
local parts = {script.Parent} -- add all the parts to this table
-- Get a reference to the Gerstner wave generation module script
local GerstnerWaveModuleScript = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts:WaitForChild("ModuleScript")
local GerstnerWaveModule = require(GerstnerWaveModuleScript)
-- Function to update the CFrame of all the parts
local function updateParts()
-- Call the calculateWaveHeightAndDeformMesh function once per frame
local pos = parts[1].Position
local h, normal, tangent = GerstnerWaveModule.calculateWaveHeightAndDeformMesh(pos.X, pos.Z, tick())
local offset = Vector3.new(0, h * 0.5, 0)
-- Update the CFrame of all the parts
for _, part in ipairs(parts) do
part.CFrame = CFrame.new(part.Position + offset) * CFrame.fromMatrix(Vector3.new(), tangent, normal) -- align both the RightVector and UpVector of each part's CFrame with the calculated tangent and normal vectors respectively
-- Schedule the next execution of this function
debris:AddItem(parts[1], 0) -- pass the first part in the parts table as the first argument to the AddItem method
-- Schedule the first execution of the updateParts function
debris:AddItem(parts[1], 0) -- pass the first part in the parts table as the first argument to the AddItem method
If anyonre has an idea how to fix this issue please reply!