I have tried stuff like QPerfectionWeld, WeldConstraints, and even PrimaryParts of the Model, but whenever i try to move with these added, it goes really slow, like this gif: https://giphy.com/gifs/8dtzy00vU1r6Gx2vxB
And this is the gif of how the train is actually meant to run (running without the model attached with the methods said above: https://giphy.com/gifs/9x5QQzSGkVlA9G2o4X
Check the Massless Property true in ALL the Parts/Unions/MeshParts of the added train.
Sounds like the train is slowing down because it’s heavier.
While you have them all selected also make the CanTouch Property false. This helps by keeping the Roblox engine from checking to see if the Parts are being touched when you have no Touched events being created by them.
Also there are a lot of helpful train/cart threads on the forums that can answer questions you have.