Need Help With Automatic Group Ranking Bot

Hi all!

To summarise what I am trying to achieve:

  1. I have a Roblox group.

  2. The Roblox group has a group experience/game.

  3. You can earn ‘Points’ in the game through various mechanics.

  4. The game contains a script that, upon a player achieving a sufficient amount of points, sends a request to a node on to promote the player in the Roblox group.

  5. The node uses the ROBLOSECURITY key (the key) of a bot account to attempt to action the promotion request.

The issue I am having is that every time the node attempts to validate the key, Roblox will change the key as a new session has been logged into - causing the node to error and the promotion request to fail (I have been assured that in absence of this problem, the code should promote the player).

My question is whether there is a way around this to either:

  1. Prevent the key from changing; or

  2. Any other method that will ultimately allow the ranking bot to serve its purpose.

I note this used to be possible as I had used it back in 2020 without issue but no longer seems to be (I assume due to a Roblox update at some point in time).

I have been told purchasing a VPN to change’s exact IP address is a potential solution, but I am looking for any free options before reaching into my wallet.

I look forward to seeing what anyone may have to say :slight_smile:


idk did its outdated or no and i Dont promise that it works but my friend showed me this library prob works idk This