Need help with blender

(Don’t know if I can post these stuff in the forum)
So I’m trying to learn how to use blender and I made it but there is are some problems.

Here is a photo example.

There are two problems.

  1. My hair is not rendered.
  2. My photo is very dark(Can it be fixed with lightroom?)

Please help me with these need to make a logo for my game.

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If you’re looking for help with Blender, please check the Blender support forums or other Blender-specific help areas, not the Roblox dev forums.

As for the answer, I’m not sure about the hair texture (ensure the nodes are hooked up properly), but the lighting can usually be fixed by adding light objects to a scene, since it appears there are none (or at least none close enough to be lit up). A Sun light object usually works best for generic and quick rendering.


Actually i would love to help! Add me on dc or just dm me Foxyth_Dev#6702

Alright thank you!
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You can edit the lighting in blender itself then use lightroom to improve the lighting.

Make sure to add lighting! I’d recommend watching some tutorials on youtube on this topic. Also, dont forget to make the background transparent. :+1: