Hello guys! For over a week I’m trying to make Robot which can walk and interact with objects in 3D. But problems came from prob simple place: I can’t make good code to give him possiblities to move arms, legs and etc.
I tried to use Motors6Ds, but they are not friends with code . Only with animation editor. Although I maybe just stupid and did smth wrong
. But that’s not min point. After failure with Motor6Ds, I decided to use RigidConstraints with Attachments. They showed better results in robot’s neck and cameras. But hands…
Because Roblox IK works only with Motor6Ds, I need to write my own IK control. Which I did. But there’s where fun part begin: I can’t make it work properly with attachments now
And, after 4 days of trying to fix that, I came in conclusion that I need your help.
I need to adjust code or attachments so they will follow IK calculations and move LeftArm into right place. System I did so far is pretty hard to describe here, so I’ll share place’s file:
RobotMovement-HelpWanted.rbxl (251.4 KB)
Some important notes:
- Code is binded to work with
object, so calculations will try to move hand in that direction. Sadly only try… - I added some comments so code will be more readable. Tell me if you need more info about what and how it working.
- In case if you not read entire post, I use RigidConstraints and Attachments instead of Motor6Ds and due to this InverseKinematics from roblox won’t work.
- When you will move
, pink plane near robot’s left shoulder will turn and twist. It shows 2D plane on which I did calculations. Also, if CameraTarget is reachable, you will be able to see 3 colored connected dots which show results of IK raw calculations. Almost correct ones, exept the fact that there’s always 2 possible solutions to my IK method, and they may flicker.
Thanks for reading trough this giant post. I will appreciate any help! have good day!