Need help with Copyright

Alright so, some users of my game reported a vehicle being stolen and uploaded into the Toolbox. I usually don’t care about this kind of behaviour but the model has been made in cooperation between multiple people, since they do care about Leaking and don’t want their stuff in the toolbox. I know that free models are allowed to be used but what about models not supposed for the toolbox? How is the copyright handled there do we own the rights for that model or can we just stay and watch it being taken for other games.

Note: If this is in the wrong category please tell me so I can fix that thanks!

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Your content is your reasonability.
If you or your team developed all of the assets used within the vehicle you should be able to file a DMCA, however if you outsourced an asset to use within this model, it will not count as your own work, and therefore will not be taken down.

If you/your team have made every asset within the vehicle the next thing is, were any of the assets used within the vehicle ever free models and put on sale themselves? This matters because a DMCA will be declined under fair use if an asset is being sold or given out.

If both criteria above are met, I’d suggest you try your luck with a DMCA request here
Best of luck!


Hey, thanks for the quick answer!
Sadly this disqualifies me any my team from filling a DMCA request since for example the bluelights on it have been made free from me in the past. Even though that is sad we are currently trying to look for not only solutions for the current problem but also to combat leaking more in the future which is sad that we already have to take these actions since the game is just in early testing since last sunday but I guess people will be people.

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