Need Help with Dash Script

so i am making a dash script how it is supposed to work is tht once the player presses q and then w or a or s or d it will dash in the direction based on the 2nd key they press

I want a remote even to fire once the 2nd key is pressed how do i go about doing this

If you don’t know where to start as a starter scripter, I suggest going on youtube and watching videos explaining how it works.

This might help you! :smiley:

well i mean like how do i go about making consequent keybinds im not sure this has it, since this is double pressing the same key

I suggest clicking through the videos which you can do at this video as well to check if it has what you want.
Youtubers either show you how it works at the start or the end.
And just click through the video and you’ll see it has Forwards/Backwards/Left/Right dashes.
You can probaly make a Left-Forwards, etc dash by watching this video.