Need help with decreasing time each wave

Hi, I’m making a wave based zombie game and when the wave increases I want the time to spawn zombies to get lower every time by 0.1, until it reach’s one 0.5 seconds. I’ve had a go but couldn’t seem to get it to work. My script will keep the time staying at 9.9 seconds. Here is the script(the wave and round script is in a different script, didn’t think it was relevant):

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local wave = RS:WaitForChild("Values"):WaitForChild("Wave")
local waveminus = 0.1

while true do
	if RS.Values.gameInProgress1.Value == true then
		local SpawnPoints = workspace.SpawnPoints:GetChildren()
		local NumberOfSpawnPoints = #SpawnPoints
		local RSP = math.random(1, NumberOfSpawnPoints)
		local ChosenSpawnPoint = SpawnPoints[RSP]

		local Zombies = RS:WaitForChild("Mobs"):GetChildren()
		local NumberOfZombies = #Zombies
		local RZ = math.random(1, NumberOfZombies)
		local ChosenZombie = Zombies[RZ]

		local ClonedZombie = ChosenZombie:Clone()
		local FS = ClonedZombie:WaitForChild("Enemy"):WaitForChild("FollowScript")

		ClonedZombie.Parent = ChosenSpawnPoint
		--FS.Enabled = true
		game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.ZombiesSpawned.Value = game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.ZombiesSpawned.Value + 1
		--local wave = game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.Wave
		local ZR = game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.ZombiesRemaning
		if ZR.Value == 10 and wave.Value then
			ZR = 0
		--local waitTime = math.random(1,5)
		local TimeToWait = 10
		local WaveIncrements = TimeToWait - waveminus

This is the line here that I’m stuck on:

local TimeToWait = 10
		local WaveIncrements = TimeToWait - waveminus

I also want the 10 second wait on the first wave.

The script that your using sets the TimeToWait to 10 and decreases it by 0.1 over and over again instead of decreasing the remaining time. This is because you are repeatedly setting the variable to 10 every time the code repeats, with local TimeToWait = 10.

local TimeToWait = 10 -- You repeatedly set the variable to 10
		local WaveIncrements = TimeToWait - waveminus -- Decrease that 10 by 9.9

-- Your answer will always be 9.9

Define the variable once at the beginning, then every time you want to decrease it, instead of the code you’ve provided, replace it with:

if TimeToWait ~= 0.5 then -- If it hasn't reached 0.5 yet
    TimeToWait = TimeToWait - 0.1 -- Decrease the current TimeToWait by 0.1

Edited because I can’t spell.

Will this decrease the 0.1 after each wave?

It should work after each wave. All it does is decrease the current time by 0.1. You’re gonna have to then wait for that amount of time before beginning the new wave, but I’m sure you can do that.

what will happen once it get to 0.5? will that stop the script from running? Because once it gets to 0.5 I want it to keep going just not subtract the 0.1.

The script I provided should skip the whole -0.1 thingy mabob and continue with the script. If the “if” condition isn’t satisfied it should keep the TimeToWait the same and continue on with whatever is next.

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