Need help with door tweening

You see, when opening the door it appears that the hinge is moving. The door ends up in the correct place at the end but the animation that brings it there looks hideous. Is there any alternative methods of doing this while still having easing?

This is my code:

function opendoor(Door)
	local TI =,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false)
	TweenService:Create(Door, TI, {CFrame = ((Door.CFrame *,0,0)) * CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(120),0) *,0,0))}):Play()

The problem is that the door needs to rotate on the hinge, and that tweening doesn’t take any kind of hinge offset into consideration.

One thing you could try is making a post at the hinge location that you tween, where it only has rotation change in it’s cframe tween, and then have the rest of the door welded to that hinge part.

The phasing of the door still appears when switching it to a part.

function opendoor(Door)
	local TI =,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false) --tween info
	TweenService:Create(Door, TI, {CFrame = ( * CFrame.Angles(0,-math.rad(220),0) *,0,0))}):Play()


The issue you’re experiencing is due to how TweenService works. TweenService finds the shortest path to reach the goal value(s).

This is an extremely useful thread detailing the steps on how to achieve what you’re trying to do the proper way.

just use a small part as the hinge and weld the door to that anchor the hinge not the door then just tween your hinge as below in the image

There are other ways of doing this that I’m sure involve hinge constraints or offsetting CFrames, however a simple solution I’ve done before is to have an invisible part that is twice the size of the door and centered around the edge of the door, like so:

What we’re trying to do here is rotate the invisible part while having the actual door just follow the invisible part’s movement.

Anchor the transparent door part and unanchor the visible door part. Make the transparent part CanCollide = false. Then add a WeldConstraint with Part0 = transparent door, Part1 = actual door; like this:


Then just have the transparent part rotate like normal, not changing its position at all. I wrote this script to do just that:

local Angle = 120

local Open = false
local Tweening = false
local InvisibleDoor = script.Parent.RotatePart

		if Tweening == true then
		Open = not Open
		local Turn_Radians = math.rad(Angle * (Open == false and 1 or Open == true and -1))
		local Tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(InvisibleDoor,, {["CFrame"] = InvisibleDoor.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, Turn_Radians, 0)})
		Tweening = true
		Tweening = false

I ended up having to make the transparent part slightly thinner than the door so I could click on the door, but rest assured this does not change where the hinge position is:

In addition to this, you could actually make the brick any size you want. It’s just easier to find the position if you resize it like I said initially. After you have it in the right place you can choose to make it a very tiny brick if you’d like.

And here it is in action:

door.rbxl (27.9 KB)