Need help with FE gun kit (server side sounds)

so as you may know FE gun kit is very cool and swag but the only problem i have with it is that basically all of the sounds play only on the client (reload, shotgun pump, shotgun shellin, etc.), if anybody knows if it’s even possible to make them play globally so everyone can hear them that would be cool

Where are the sounds located, in the server gun parts, or in the client gun parts?
Any sound played from a Part in the workspace should play around it.

Does the FE kit use 2 Parts, one for the server so other players can see it and one on the client for just the client to see?

the sounds are located in the gun itself, server sided part (handle) the only thing that other players can hear is the fire sound, here’s a link to the kit so you can see it more clearly

It’s likely that they only play in GunScriptLocal

This is also happening to me in most of my games that are included with FE gun kit

I wonder if you copy the sound(s) into the player arm then play them from there instead if that would fix it.