Need help with first person/shift lock bug

I don’t know why but, my shift lock and first person doesn’t work, if I go in first person and try to move the camera would get stuck and that person you where at like, with the shift lock the only way you can use it if you hold left to move. It doesn’t stay in the middle as it was just a normal cursor, please help!

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Could you show an example? [30]

I turned shift lock off, but first person doesn’t work, here I’ll show you.

sorry it’s taken from my phone, but my camera is in first person and I can move the mouse.

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That’s normal to not be able to move the mouse around the screen while in first person, could you at least rotate your camera and move around with WASD?

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is this in your game? if so then it could be a camera error.

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Seems to be easily replicable, just head into a place and use shiftlock/first-person (Not sure if this was intentional by ROBLOX)


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Well, if so how would i remove this unintended bug? I can’t seem to find any other information about it. I have the same issues as the guy from earlier