hello, i’m trying to make hitbox for flamethrower but it doesn’t seem to work when i try to do :LinkAttachments() function
raycasthitboxv4 script below [tutorial]
i don’t really know how to make the hitbox properly
this is how it should be:
[Is it possible to make hitbox by particle emitter?]
* HitboxObject:SetPoints(Instance BasePart | Bone, table vectorPoints, string group)
--- Merges existing Hitbox points with new Vector3 values relative to a part/bone position. This part can be a descendent of your original Hitbox model or
can be an entirely different instance that is not related to the hitbox (example: Have a weapon with attachments and you can then add in more vector3
points without instancing new attachments, great for dynamic hitboxes)
--- Instance BasePart | Bone: Sets the part/bone that these vectorPoints will move in relation to the part's origin using Vector3ToWorldSpace
--- table vectorPoints: Table of vector3 values.
--- string group: optional group parameter
* HitboxObject:RemovePoints(Instance BasePart | Bone, table vectorPoints)
--- Remove given Vector3 values provided the part was the same as the ones you set in SetPoints
--- Instance BasePart | Bone: Sets the part that these vectorPoints will be removed from in relation to the part's origin using Vector3ToWorldSpace
--- table vectorPoints: Table of vector3 values.
* HitboxObject:LinkAttachments(Instance attachment1, Instance attachment2)
--- Set two attachments to be in a link. The Raycast module will raycast between these two points.
--- Instance attachment1/attachment2: Attachment objects
* HitboxObject:UnlinkAttachments(Instance attachment1)
--- Removes the link of an attachment. Only needs the primary attachment (argument 1 of LinkAttachments) to work. Will automatically sever the connection
to the second attachment.
--- Instance attachment1: Attachment object