I’m on an Apple Desktop (Macintosh, M1 Chip) and I ran into an issue when attempting to open Roblox Studio earlier today.
I attempted to open the application, only to learn some of the files had somehow been corrupted.
I didn’t think it was an issue, so, I got a new installer from the Creator Dashboard and got Studio Installing:
This is completely normal, and the loading screen takes about half a minute.
It finishes installing and I attempt to open it. This is where the problems began.
I saw another error. Studio was still corrupted:
I was confused, but decided not to read the error. I tried to open the installer I had just downloaded, but it did not open.
So after a bit of headscratching, I went back to the Creator Dashboard, got a new installer, and opened the installer.
Same “Configuring Studio” screen, nothing acted up about it.
I got this screen again:
I clicked “Launch Studio”, and then…
I got the same “corrupted files” error.
Frustrated and desperate for answers, I listened to the error message and went to the link seen. (https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203312910?fromStudio=true)
I looked through it, and it redirected me to another article telling me how to remove Studio.
I dragged the application into the trash and emptied the trash, just like it said.
I got another installer (the other one broke… again) and I went through the same process.
I got to the screen telling me Studio was ready and…
It’s corrupted.
I need help please, this is really bothering me.