Need help with GUI placement and Image Quality, Making Generic Obby #492852

I feel as if something is wrong with this Shop GUI, maybe the spacing, or the format itself of the shop, also I feel like the icons are very low quality for some reason, I cannot get any other image to be high quality, why is this? Other games have high quality images even when stretched down, can somebody point me or help me so I can fix my GUI?

  1. Your gui is not centered on the screen horizontally.
  2. You’re using too much of UICorner on the frame.
  3. The gamepass and robux logos are stretched and text is offcentered too.
  4. I can barely see the X on the exit button.
  5. There is little to no padding, making icons and texts overlap.
  6. The shop frame’s bland background color doesn’t mach with the blue theme of the gamepasses.
  7. The gamepass frames all have different spacing and it looks low effortly placed. You should really consider using UiLayouts.
  8. Purple text in the flying carpet icon is barely readable.

Some things that came to my eye as an UI Designer.

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Thank you very much, how did you learn to design good looking UI, specifically, do you know a good website to make the icons of the items? Like the flashy background, I used photopea but the quality is bad, also another question regarding quality, I can never seem to get the icons like the banana, gun, essentially the picture to have a good quality, it’s always trash resolution

I suggest getting Krita, it’s free and is a good software to design UI. if u want we can keep in touch and I can give ya tips of what I learned on krita. Also, a big thing I see is that your icons in the shop are rectanglish of course, you can fix that with aspectratioconstraint. Just keep it 1 so it’s a plain box, it will keep the GUI looking like a square no matter what shape the screen is.

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