Need help with gun projectile system

Hi so the problem is simple after the projectile is fired it travels until it touches something with the .Touched event, and then spawns particles.
But the particles are offset from the point of impact, and I have no idea how to fix this?

(Not sure which part of the script to post so just ask if you want to see any)

I want to see the whole script.

I don’t think that has anything to do with it.

The only solution I can offer is…
Raycasting every step to know if a part is blocking projectile’s way.

Tried everything, didn’t work.

Mmmm maybe instead of spawning particles when the bullet touches you could grab the mouse Cframe, after touched activates put the particles on the mouse CFrame.

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No because then it could spawn in the wrong place if there is something in between.

Not if you programmed it correctly, I literally do that all the time for my own skills thats why I suggested it. If you want a more permanent solution you should post your code instead of complaining about anything anyone offers.

I’m not complaining, don’t take me wrong, I tried your idea and it kinda worked so I suppose I’ll mark that as a solution, thanks.