Need Help with health bar

So, I’ve created a health bar, a stat system, all that stuff… but when your health stat levels up you get 20+ max health, now say you’re at level 4 health and you have 180 health. You spawn in with 100/180 health and then start healing up-to 180. How do I fix it? I tried doing this but it didn’t work:

	local Char = Player.Character
	Char.Humanoid.MaxHealth = Player.Stats.HealthLevel.Value * 20 + 80
	Char.Humanoid.Health = Char.Humanoid.MaxHealth


You should be connecting the script to .CharacterAdded since you may be trying to edit the health of the humanoid before it exists.

I’m stupid, lemme try that

Didn’t work ;-;
Should I move it to a local script and change the code to this:

	local Char = Player.Character
	Char.Humanoid.MaxHealth = Player.Stats.HealthLevel.Value * 20 + 80
	Char.Humanoid.Health = Char.Humanoid.MaxHealth

Would adding local player make a difference?

I just somehow fixed it, I just put wait(4) when the player joins and it worked

Use task.wait instead of wait, its deprecated

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Alright, thanks I’ll try that.

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