Need help with Level Selection System

Hello! I am making a level selection system for my game “Toaster Island” I am trying to get my ImageButtons to teleport to another experience. The thing I’m stuck on is how to lock the other levels until Level 1 is completed. (Lvl 1 opens Lvl 2, Lvl2 opens Lvl3 etc.) Any help will be appreciated.

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You could create a request remote function, which when the player loads up their UI, requests from the server their data in terms of level, then compares it with the levels/islands, and then returns the names of each island the player has access to in a table, of which the script can then edit the UI.

As for the teleportation, a server-event, which will check the players data to ensure that they are that level, to avoid exploiting the best way you can.

There are other ways you can do this of course, this is just how I would.

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