Need help with lights

Btw i used inverse parts. They are basically parts that are flipped inside out
Dev Forum.rbxm (30.9 KB)

Okay, thanks.


i messed around with these alot when i was making cell shading, so feel free to ask any questions

Hmm, have you tried atleast? I think it should do well even for non first person

I haven’t tried it, but I’m sure it wont work if the camera is like 40 studs away from the player object.

you can size the circle to any size

i used it for a first person horror game i was commissioned for a while ago, So i do know that it works best in First person

Maybe instead of a hollow sphere, maybe a hollow cylinder can be used, so the top isn’t blocked from view

That could do better, but the camera isn’t perfectly above the player, it’s offset on the X and Z axis so you couldn’t see the “custom fog made from the hollow cylinder” at every side.

Can you send screenshots of the offset?

Just like in the video he sent us, he could see through the front side.

while inside the circle you cant see anything outside of it

I can’t upload the image :/. I’ve however made a topic a while ago, where you can see my game and the camera’s offset. Look at my second newest topic.

Using decals is possible to show everything only on one side meaning the parts could be entirely transparent with no issue

can you link the topic? Btw if the see through thing bothers you, you can always just use a hollow sphere

This is the topic.

I have solved the problem by making the neon part darker when it gets out of range.

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Yes and no. You’re assuming pure black as the outside lighting, which is not guaranteed.

True, but I don’t really care if it’s a bit darker or brighter than the environment. I tried it and it worked pretty well.

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