Yeah, it was just broken at that time.
Use the previous code but change it up a bit to count only when a desired pet exists (the instances MUST be exact with this code):
local Items = 0
local ItemHolder = workspace
local Reference = workspace.Pet
while task.wait(1) do
Items = 0
for _, Item in pairs(ItemHolder:GetChildren()) do
if Item == Reference then Items += 1 end
Edit: If you want to go off names, use this code instead (doesnt have to be exact, but must have the same name):
local Items = 0
local ItemHolder = workspace
local Reference = workspace.Pet
while task.wait(1) do
Items = 0
for _, Item in pairs(ItemHolder:GetChildren()) do
if Item.Name == Reference.Name then Items += 1 end
Main Script: – Basically the datastore (Server Script)
local dss = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local save = dss:GetDataStore("ExistsValue")
for i, ExistsValue in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Pets_Folder:GetChildren()) do
local Exists = ExistsValue:FindFirstChild("Exists")
save:SetAsync("ExistsValue", Exists.Value)
while wait(math.random(5, 10)) do
save:SetAsync("ExistsValue", Exists.Value)
local saveddata = save:GetAsync("ExistsValue", Exists.Value)
Exists.Value = saveddata
print(Exists.Value.." exists of "..ExistsValue)
The script that gets the number of how much a pet exists: - Local Script
local Index = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Index")
local InfoFrame = Index:WaitForChild("Info")
local PetImage = InfoFrame:WaitForChild("Image"):WaitForChild("PetImage")
local PetName = InfoFrame:WaitForChild("PetName")
local Description = InfoFrame:WaitForChild("Description")
local scrollingFrame = Index:WaitForChild("ScrollingFrame")
local template = scrollingFrame:WaitForChild("Template")
local Pets = RS:WaitForChild("Pets_Folder")
local Click = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Click")
local Difficulty = InfoFrame:WaitForChild("Difficulty")
local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local Remote2 = game.ReplicatedStorage.GetPetExistsValue
local selectedTemplate = nil
local function selectTemplate(temp)
InfoFrame.Visible = true
selectedTemplate = template
PetImage.Image = temp.PetImage.Image
PetName.Text = "Pet Name: "..temp.Name
Description.Text = RS:FindFirstChild("Pets_Folder"):WaitForChild(temp.Name).Description.Value
Difficulty.Difficulty.Text = "Difficulty: "..RS:FindFirstChild("Pets_Folder"):WaitForChild(temp.Name).Difficulty.Value
InfoFrame.Exists.Text = Remote2:InvokeServer(temp.Name).." Exists" --Here's where I get the number of how much of a pet exists
if RS:FindFirstChild("Pets_Folder"):WaitForChild(temp.Name).Difficulty.Value == "Exclusive" then
Difficulty.ExclusiveGradient.Enabled = true
Difficulty.BackgroundTransparency = 0
if RS:FindFirstChild("Pets_Folder"):WaitForChild(temp.Name).Difficulty.Value ~= "Exclusive" then
Difficulty.ExclusiveGradient.Enabled = false
Difficulty.BackgroundTransparency = 1
local NoteTemplate = RS:FindFirstChild("Pets_Folder"):WaitForChild(temp.Name)
if NoteTemplate:FindFirstChild("Note") then
InfoFrame.Note.Visible = true
InfoFrame.Note.Text = RS:FindFirstChild("Pets_Folder"):WaitForChild(temp.Name).Note.Value
InfoFrame.Note.Visible = false
InfoFrame.Note.Text = "NaN"
for i, v in pairs(Pets:GetChildren()) do
local newTemplate = template:Clone()
newTemplate.Name = v.Name
newTemplate.Parent = scrollingFrame
newTemplate.Visible = true
newTemplate.PetImage.Image = v:WaitForChild("Image").Texture
local Handler = RS:FindFirstChild("Pets_Folder"):FindFirstChild(newTemplate.Name)
if Handler.Difficulty.Value == "Easy" then
newTemplate.LayoutOrder = -7
if Handler.Difficulty.Value == "Medium" then
newTemplate.LayoutOrder = -6
if Handler.Difficulty.Value == "Hard" then
newTemplate.LayoutOrder = -5
if Handler.Difficulty.Value == "Insane" then
newTemplate.LayoutOrder = -4
if Handler.Difficulty.Value == "Extreme" then
newTemplate.LayoutOrder = -3
if Handler.Difficulty.Value == "Exclusive" then
newTemplate.LayoutOrder = -2
if Handler.Difficulty.Value == "Event" then
newTemplate.LayoutOrder = -1
scrollingFrame.Visible = false
The script used for the remote to get the number of how much a pet exists: - Server Script
local save = dss:GetDataStore("ExistsValue")
local rs2 = game:WaitForChild("ReplicatedStorage")
rs2:WaitForChild("GetPetExistsValue").OnServerInvoke = function(player, temp)
if rs2:FindFirstChild("Pets_Folder"):WaitForChild(temp) then
local ExistsValue = rs2["Pets_Folder"]:FindFirstChild(temp)
local num = save:GetAsync("ExistsValue", ExistsValue)
return num
(this is what I tried doing, but it didn’t really work)
In here to prevent replicas from showing, you can use this (using this code means add a TextLabel of some sort named Duplicates):
local alreadyHave = {}
for i, v in pairs(Pets:GetChildren()) do
local duplicates = 0
if not table.find(alreadyHave, v) then
local newTemplate = template:Clone()
newTemplate.Name = v.Name
newTemplate.Parent = scrollingFrame
newTemplate.Visible = true
table.insert(alreadyHave, v)
for _, pet in pairs(Pets:GetChildren()) do
if pet == v then duplicates += 1 end
else continue end
--code inbetween
newTemplate.Duplicates.Text = duplicates
Edit: It’s fixed, hopefully.
You should read this post if you want a value to be the same on every single server of the game.
I assume this is what you need
Alright, thank you I will make sure to add that to my code.
Okay. I will also try that
Thank you!
Read my above post as I fix the issues with it. Sorry, my coding is mixed up today.
Alright. It’s okay lol, I understand
Ok, it should be fixed:
local alreadyHave = {}
for i, v in pairs(Pets:GetChildren()) do
local duplicates = 0
if not table.find(alreadyHave, v) then
local newTemplate = template:Clone()
newTemplate.Name = v.Name
newTemplate.Parent = scrollingFrame
newTemplate.Visible = true
table.insert(alreadyHave, v)
for _, pet in pairs(Pets:GetChildren()) do
if pet == v then duplicates += 1 end
else continue end
--code inbetween
newTemplate.Duplicates.Text = duplicates
Edit: I proofread it and it should work when inserted. I hope it helps!
Error: Unknown Global ‘newTemplate’
Sorry, again. I forgot about that, here’s your fix:
local alreadyHave = {}
for i, v in pairs(Pets:GetChildren()) do
local duplicates = 0
local newTemplate
if not table.find(alreadyHave, v) then
newTemplate = template:Clone()
newTemplate.Name = v.Name
newTemplate.Parent = scrollingFrame
newTemplate.Visible = true
table.insert(alreadyHave, v)
for _, pet in pairs(Pets:GetChildren()) do
if pet == v then duplicates += 1 end
else continue end
--code inbetween
newTemplate.Duplicates.Text = duplicates
This is the kinda trial-and-error stuff my brain does when coding. (lol)
Thank you. I’ll try that. /////
(This post hasn’t been solved yet)
Still no luck huh? Been looking around for a solution to this as well, and the only thing I can think of that could handle the traffic is an offsite database
Yeah. I was thinking of using datastores before but that wouldn’t work as well for sure.
create your own api, update your values this way, dont update your database everytime a new item is found/unboxed since that will hit database rate limits quickly, instead, cache the amoutn of new found items, and deploy the new unboxed items changes every 10-20 seconds to your database
if youre using python, you can use asynchronous api libraries that will allow you to run tasks for caching and updating these values
an API library (in my opinion the BEST api library), FastAPI allows for asynchronous api call handling