Need help with making my object have ruby diamond material

Hello, I am trying to make my spike object have ruby diamond material
but i don’t really know how to do it since i’m not good at this stuff, can anyone help me please? [with reflection and stuff]

thanks to anyone who will try to help me!

ruby diamond image [not roblox]:


Try turning it into the foil material.


Thanks for the response but I don’t think that helps


Try foil and glass, like this.
Captura de Pantalla 2022-12-20 a la(s) 10.07.44 a. m.
Not sure if this fits, but looks similar to the image.

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Looks nicer

but do you know any tricks for reflection similiar to this?

I think metal may help with that. Try combining both metal and glass.

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alright and any ideas of transparency? (and other)

The glass transparency should be around 0.3 I guess.

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what about metal transparency?

It should be 0 since the glass material makes it invisible when the metal’s transparency is above 0.

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it looks like this if metal’s transparency is 0

I think foil and glass work, by setting both its color to really red, setting the glass transparency to 0.3, and leaving the foil transparency to 0. With this in mind, you could achieve a material similar to the ruby.
Captura de Pantalla 2022-12-20 a la(s) 10.41.37 a. m.

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I was experimenting with the materials, transparencies, colors with the help of your solutions and have found what i was looking for, thanks for your help!

You’re welcome, have an amazing day.

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Thanks, have an amazing day too

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