Hello, As the title suggests, I need help with making skins for Models.
I’m Moderately Experienced with Blender, Modeling for almost 1 year now. I was working on a project and it requires me to make multiple skins for a mesh I’ve made on blender. I know how to do texturing.
I couldn’t find a way to easily just upload a texture onto the mesh since it breaks the UV Map of the mesh, But at the same time, I don’t want to re-upload the same mesh with a new skin on it every time I make a skin. I Assume that my UV map is different since I use Color gradient texture from Ro Builder, Roblox uses the same UV map for the new texture which is what I don’t want.
What should I do? Should I make a new UV Map and reupload the mesh once and do all the textures with the same UV map? Please help me out. Sorry if my explanation is bad, but hopefully you get the point that I’m trying to convey.
This is how I generally texture my mesh for low poly using gradient colors.