Need help with Material Metalness/Shininess

Is there a way to change the shininess/metalness of this model? it looks kinda bad lol. (it’s my first mesh so yeah.)

edit: the handle is also shiny, you just have to look at it from another angle.

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Are you using PBR for this model? If so, can I see it in the explorer and properties so I can help you? :slight_smile:

Apologies if I sound dumb, but what is PBR?

Physically Based Rendering. It uses different maps to give your mesh more detail.


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What material is the mesh using? Is it just Roblox metal?

Just the normal metal material.

Also, no, I am not using Surface Appearance.

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Oh, okay.

To change the metalness, the only method I know of is to create your own custom texture and apply it onto the MetalnessMap.

If you don’t want the handle to me metallic, you can turn it into a separate mesh.


Regarding the metalness map, do you know an easy way of doing that?

I don’t have any experience with that, so I dont.

Okay, just change the handle material to something that’s not metallic.

To make the metal material more metallic, you will want to play with these two values in Lighting:

EnvironmentDiffuseScale and EnvironmentSpecularScale

I was able to get a beautiful metallic gold by playing with these two settings.