Need help with more immersive invisible walls

I’m trying to make an invisible wall that glows when you get near it. Since I’m bad at explaining I’ll show an example instead.

  1. Here’s the big invisible wall next to a ‘player’
  2. When the ‘player’ gets closer, the wall should begin to slightly glow like this
  3. When the ‘player’ is right against it, it should fully glow.
  4. It should follow the player if they jump or move

    Any help would be appreciated because I don’t even know where to start and I can’t find any tutorials or anything that could be applied to this.

I’d probably try raycasting from the player, checking if the ray hit’s an invisible wall then draw a decal with varying transparency (depending on distance, ray length) and apply the decal to the location of the hit on the wall.

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