Need help with my chasing script [Solved]

Hey y’all, recently for a small game project I’ve been working on I’ve decided to rewrite the classic zombie chasing script. And so far, it works! But I can’t say I’m all too happy with it. First things first, here’s the full code.

--[[ -=Variables=- ]]

-- Set to wherever the humanoid, humanoidrootpart, and all subsequent damageParts will be.
local npcRoot = script.Parent

local humanoid = npcRoot:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local humanoidRootPart = npcRoot:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

local canDamage = script.Damage
local canChase = script.Chase

local startPosition = humanoidRootPart.Position

--[[ -=Functions=- ]]

-- Loop through body and set networks to nil
for i, v in pairs(npcRoot:GetChildren()) do
	if v:IsA("BasePart") then

local foundPlayer = false
-- Get nearest torso and its magnitude
local function FindNearestPlayer()
	local selfPos = humanoidRootPart.Position
	local playerList = workspace:FindFirstChild("Players")
	local target = nil
	-- To change the range, use the value located inside of the script.
	for i, v in pairs(playerList:GetChildren()) do
		-- Find humanoidrootpart within detected player.
		local playerRoot = v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
		if playerRoot ~= nil then
			-- Player root detected.
			local playerPos = playerRoot.Position
			local distance = (playerPos - selfPos).Magnitude
			if distance < canChase.Range.Value then
				-- Player is in range!
				target = playerRoot
				foundPlayer = true
				return target
				-- Player is out of range.
				foundPlayer = false
				target = humanoidRootPart
				return target

while task.wait() do
	if not canChase.Value then

	local target = FindNearestPlayer()
	if target ~= nil then
		if foundPlayer then
			humanoid:MoveTo(target.Position, target)
			if not canChase.ReturnToStart.Value then
				humanoid:MoveTo(target.Position, target)
			elseif canChase.ReturnToStart.Value then

Now, feel free to call me crazy, but the unresponsiveness of my script compared to RetroStudio is very apparent to me. I’m not the best at coding, so getting help from somebody with more knowledge on this stuff would be appreciated! Any tweaks for optimization reasons are appreciated too.

A big issue I have with the script right now is how wide of turns the NPC takes when you circle around them. Compared with RetroStudio, they remain closer to the player when circling around them. Both humanoids use the same walkspeed.


Hello everyone, I’ve fixed this issue but removing the v:SetNetworkOwner(nil) function. While it does eliminate a lot of lag the NPC has sometimes, overall its much more responsive. It will be notably as you walk up to it, after a few seconds it fixes itself.

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