Need help with my function giving an error

This function I use is to change a string like 10M into a number like 10000000

_G.abbreviationValues = {
	["K"] = 1000;
	["M"] = 1000000;
	["B"] = 1000000000;
	["T"] = 1000000000000;
	-- and so on... you can fill the rest in if you need to

_G.complicateNumber = function(str:string)
	if tonumber(str) then
		return tonumber(str)
	local number, abbreviation = str:match("^([%d.]+)(%a)$");
	if number and abbreviation then
		local value = _G.abbreviationValues[abbreviation:upper()];
		if value then
			return value * tonumber(number);
		error("Invalid abbreviation:" .. str);

when i try to call it like


it returns

This is all in a server script in serverscriptservice

Why dont you just have this as a function inside of a module script?

I don’t see how it would make a difference, but im new to using _G and ModuleScripts so what can I say.

Would having it in a modulescript make any difference?

Edit: well adding it into a modulescript all worked so thats nice

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what type of script are you calling the function from?

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