Need help with my gui cloning script

I’m creating a script that shows you a gui when you encounter some peculair parts in a certain distance. However it keeps cloning the gui even though I’m checking if there’s already a gui that has been cloned. It also prints Succesfully cloned gui! infinite times

Here’s the script.

local gui = game.ReplicatedFirst:WaitForChild("Epickup")
local canClone = false
while true do wait()
	local object = findClosestObject()
	if object == nil then --Check if we exceeded the distance between the obkect and the RootPart. If so, check for any gui's that's named Epickup and destroy them
		for _, v in pairs(playerGui:GetChildren()) do
			if v.Name == "Epickup" then
	else  --Clone the gui
		for _, v in pairs(playerGui:GetChildren()) do --Checking if the gui hasn't been cloned before
			if v.Name ~= "Epickup"  then
				canClone = true
				if canClone then
					canClone = false
					gui:Clone().Parent = playerGui
					print("Succesfully cloned gui!")
					canClone = true

Thanks in advance!

Put the if canClone statement outside of the loop and add a continue to the inside of that same loop.

Thanks for your reply. Could you elaborate this a bit more? I’ve never used “Continue”. I don’t know how I should use that in this piece of code. And should I delete the canClone entirely?

Edit: In this piece of code, using break will stop the while wait() do. Continue will just continue the code.
Not 100% sure, you can try continue and break. I have forgotten the difference as I just use continue constantly now.

Don’t remember the difference. Pretty sure break will do a better job than continue.

you can put the cloned gui into a variable, and instead of checking for the name check if the instances are the same

Didn’t work


Didn’t work


check output what happens or what prints

It prints Succesfully cloned gui! infinite

local gui = game.ReplicatedFirst:WaitForChild("Epickup")
while true do
	local object = findClosestObject()
	if object == nil then --Check if we exceeded the distance between the obkect and the RootPart. If so, check for any gui's that's named Epickup and destroy them
		if playerGui:FindFirstChild("Epickup") then --Will continue if it finds Epickup
		if not playerGui:FindFirstChild("Epickup") then --Will continue if there isn't a Epickup
			gui:Clone().Parent = playerGui
			print("Succesfully cloned gui!")

What FindFirstChild does is if it finds an object with that name, it will return that instance but if there is no object with that name it will return nil.

It;s weird because I’ve already tried that but now it suddenly works. Thanks!