Hello, I’m new to roblox studio and i’m making a system like this.
local folder = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Statues")
local statues = folder:GetChildren()
local real_ball = script.Parent:WaitForChild("RealBall")
local fake_ball = script.Parent:WaitForChild("FakeBall")
local choosen_statue = statues[math.random(1, #statues)]
local function ball_placing()
local choosen_statue_ball_placement = choosen_statue:WaitForChild("BallPlacement")
real_ball.Position = choosen_statue_ball_placement.Position
So basically, I succeed at placing a “real ball” in a random statue between 4 statues.
And I want to place 3 fake balls (these fake balls are the same and can be clone) in 3 remaining statues. I was thinking about using for loops but I don’t know how to do it, someone pls help!