Need help with pricing a commission

Not sure this is the right Category but
Here is the description of the commission

  1. The building is a massive structure spanning the entirety of a large cliffside in the mountains of Japan, being as tall as a skyscraper. The building is shaped like a pentagon and is thus broken into five different sections. Each section is designated as a stratum and the stratums house a myriad of different rooms including various living quarters, a dining hall, weight rooms, specialty training rooms, multiple practice soccer fields, a football arena in the center of it that can host a professional game and even enough room to currently host multiple selections or training regimens separate of each other.

How much would something like this normally be commissioned for

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Well, It depends on how good it is. If its just a bunch of parts slapped together effortlessly, or is filled with free models, it surely won’t sell for a lot of Robux. It has to be clean, and fits the theme you are going for.

Pictures will be very helpful.

This is someone commissioning me but need to give an estimate of a price for something like this, my builds are usually high quality, and can usually fit the theme i’m going for.

Based on what you said, I would probably price this as somewhere between 10000R$ - 30000R$.

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wut, that’s $3.50 - $10.50 by DevEx rates
OP described something that would take anyone many, many hours to create. Odd-sided shapes are evil to make too.

For something this massive an undertaking at least get paid something upfront. This will take a huge amount of your time. If I were asked to build this, I would ask for ~R$350k, USD $1,225. I’d get there estimating 72+ hours of labor. Difficult to compare our willingness to build for cheap so your valuation varies, but please don’t accept pennies for your work


I disagree. This description sounds like a R$15,000+ commission. Possibly even more, as @MP3Face said.


Thanks for the help, was thinking 1000-3000 robux was a bit low for this kind of build

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Not even a bit low, that’s way too low. :upside_down_face:


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