Hello World!
I currently need help on fixing this car suspension code.
Bugs :
- Floats in the air. But if interacted, it flies away.
- Most of the time it just sinks, into the ground. If there is no collision.
Please help.
Here is the code :
1st Module Script - [ Settings ]
local setting = {}
setting.restLength = script:GetAttribute("restLength")
setting.springTravel = script:GetAttribute("springTravel")
setting.springStiffness = script:GetAttribute("springStiffness")
setting.damperStiffness = script:GetAttribute("damperStiffness")
setting._minLength = 0
setting._maxLength = 0
setting._lastLength = 0
setting._springLength = 0
setting._springVel = 0
setting._springForce = 0
setting._damperForce = 0
setting._suspensionForce = Vector3.new()
setting.wheelRad = script:GetAttribute("wheelRad")
return setting
Attributes :
2st Module Script - [ Main one ]
local car = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Car")
local setting = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("settingsModule"))
local suspensionModule = {}
suspensionModule.__index = suspensionModule
function suspensionModule.new()
local self = setmetatable({}, suspensionModule)
return self
function suspensionModule:suspension(minLength : minLength, maxLength : maxLength, DeltaTime : DeltaTime)
local restLength = setting.restLength
local springLength = setting._springLength
local lastLength = setting._lastLength
local springVel = setting._springVel
local springTravel = setting.springTravel
local damperStiffness = setting.damperStiffness
local springStiffness = setting.springStiffness
local springForce = setting._springForce
local damperForce = setting._damperForce
local suspensionForce = setting._suspensionForce
local wheelRad = setting.wheelRad
--// Gets wheel positions
for _, v in pairs(car:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("BasePart") then
local dir = -v.CFrame.UpVector * (maxLength + wheelRad)
local rayParams = RaycastParams.new()
rayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
rayParams.IgnoreWater = true
rayParams.RespectCanCollide = true
rayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {car}
local ray = workspace:Raycast(v.Position, dir)
if ray and ray.Instance then
lastLength = springLength
springLength = ray.Distance - wheelRad
springLength = math.clamp(springLength, minLength, maxLength)
springVel = (lastLength - springLength) / DeltaTime
springForce = springStiffness * (restLength - springLength)
damperForce = damperStiffness * springVel
suspensionForce = (springForce + damperForce) * car.CFrame.UpVector
v.AssemblyLinearVelocity = suspensionForce
function suspensionModule:init(DeltaTime : DeltaTime)
local restLength = setting.restLength
local springTravel = setting.springTravel
local wheelRad = setting.wheelRad
local minLength = setting._minLength
local maxLength = setting._maxLength
local springLength = setting._springLength
minLength = restLength - springTravel
maxLength = restLength + springTravel
suspensionModule:suspension(minLength, maxLength, DeltaTime)
return suspensionModule
Thanks in Advance!