Need help with render distance bug

Hey there, I’m creating a game like “Throw Something Simulator” where you need to throw stuff the furthest you can

Although I am having an issue with it, first thing is that a script creates more milestones laps over than the ones I have in studio (2K studs) and it generates one thousand parts further, but client cant render it even when the rock touches a part that is not loaded. Also when throwing a rock waaay far it simply destroys without any script related, I need help to fix that 2 bugs

I’ve trying changin the “FallenPartsDestroyHeight” property in workspace but it did not work, also tried to when player characterloads its humanoidrootpart goes to the 2k milestone just to load the parts and come back, still doesnt resolve the issue.

This is how far it goes on studio/server without the generating parts script

-- Script for generating parts
local ref = workspace.Milestones2:FindFirstChild("20") -- last part of the milestone by default
local refval = 2000 -- gets the last milestone lap number value (which is 2000  M)

for i = 1, 1000 do -- generates 1000 parts
	local new = workspace.Milestones2:FindFirstChild(tostring(i)):Clone()
	new.Parent = workspace.Milestones2
	new.CFrame = ref.CFrame:ToWorldSpace( * i, 0, 0))
	new.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = tostring(refval + i * 100) .. "  M"
	new.Name = tostring(tonumber(ref.Name) + i)

local T = {"K","M","B","T","q","Q","s","S","O","N","d","U","D"}

local function formatNumber(n) -- function to conversion unit
	if not tonumber(n) then return n end
	if n < 10000 then return math.floor(n) end
	local d = math.floor(math.log10(n)/3)*3
	local s = tostring(n/(10^d)):sub(1,5)

	return s.." "..tostring(T[math.floor(d/3)])

for _, x in pairs(workspace.Milestones2:GetChildren()) do
	if x:IsA("BasePart") then
		local oldt = x.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text 
		local splited = string.match(oldt, "%d+")

		if splited and tonumber(splited) >= 10000 then -- if the thing is above 10k it starts to letter it
			x.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = formatNumber(tonumber(splited))

after script:

so everything should work, right? it does, but only on server. heres some videos that can explain the issue:

render distance or something bug:

part destroying without script interference:

If you have any idea what this maybe please consider replying this post I really wanna know and learn with this problem, thank you.

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Is StreamingEnabled in workspace disabled?

it is enabled, should i disable it?

Yeah. Check if streamingenabled is causing issues

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wow! it completely fixed the issue tysm bro!!! i’ll learn more about streamingenabled after that :sweat_smile:

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