Need help with Roblox inventory API limit

I am making a game that includes an inventory checker, and I just wanna know if there is a way to avoid/bypass the 100 item limit that the Roblox inventory API has.

Here’s the API in question; Inventory Api

If needed, here’s the part of the script that includes grabbing the API.

	local req = Proxy:Get(""..Player.UserId.."/inventory?assetTypes="..ItemType.."&limit=100&sortOrder=Asc")

I’ve thought about sending multiple requests to get every item, but I’m not quite sure how to do that.

theres always a bypass but this is some next level advanced stuff to go beyond the limit{UserId}

Rolimons provides the asset IDs and catalog IDs of all of a user’s collectibles in a single request.


Oh sweet, I was not aware of this. I’ll try this out and reply with the result.

Edit: Just reread it, I am not just looking for collectables, rather I am looking for regular inventory items. This is still a big help, but it wasn’t quite what I was looking for.

The idea is that you paginate through all the items using the next cursor parameter, fetching 100 items at a time. I think you should get the cursor as part of the response the first time you make a request, then you just need to send it with your next request etc.

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Yup, this’ll definitely work. Thank you!

Edit: I got it to work, and it works perfectly. Here’s the game if anyone’s interested. Inventory Checker 🔎 - Roblox

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Oh that’s what you meant by a limit (I thought you were referring to a ratelimit).

This has been done several times before.