Need help with Roller Coaster Seats

So, I’m in the making of a theme park and need some help with the seats. I don’t want riders to be able to leave/jump out of the ride after it has started because it glitched the ride a lot. I am very busy tomorrow so I’m going to bed and will read these in the morning. can somebody give me a full rundown of what I’m going to need to do. This includes (grouping,scripting,etc). After the button is pressed to start the ride, I want the players to be locked in their seats for 73 seconds (ride time). and when the timers up they are able to jump out or stay in of their choosing. Any help would be greatly apricated! Thank you in advance - Monke

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There is a similar post that maybe help you?

You can make the player unable to do anything (disable controls) like this

local module = require(player.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule)
local controls = module:GetControls()

--and when the ride is over enable it

This needs to be done in a LocalScript

You can just use Player.DevComputerMovementMode = Enum.DevComputerMovementMode.Scriptable this can only be set by the server.

And disable any kind of teleporting, or everyone in the machine will be teleported too!

Teleporting, it depends if its handled by a localplayer script, then it does not matter.

it says the player needs to be defined

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

Put this at the beginning of the script.

Also, please read or watch some beginner tutorials so you can learn to script better

Just make their jumpower 0 when they are seated