Need help with rolling droid/BB8 physics

I’ve been trying to recreate the BB8 droid from the star wars series yet I’m having trouble getting the ball to rotate as it moves. What would be the best way to go about doing this? I’ve tried using ropes to pull it but it flings around and doesn’t work right.

An example of what I’m trying to recreate for anyone who isn’t familiar with it

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

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Like this approach?

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yeah pretty much that. I’m going to focus on the head later but what I’ve got so far is setting the humanoidrootpart inside the ball and then attaching them with string or something so the root drags the ball along although its not working right

Based on displacement, you can rotate it in the appropriate direction with CFrame.

Can you explain that in a bit more detail? I’m not entirely sure what you mean by that.

It is a matter of vectors. By calculating the displacement of the droid and obtaining the vector components, you can calculate the rotation of the wheel by also taking into account the measurement of the circumference.

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