Need help with Simulator shop

I made this building but i think it looks pretty boring, any ideas?


well add some windows and add a shop sign above and maybe change the roof a little and put small details between the walls

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Add some depth to it. Make the roof overlap the main building a little more, or add a triangular roof. Some neon lights to indicate activity/accessibility would look nice as well. In addition, adding some kind of light/transparent texture to the side of the building would be nice for some variation in appearance without extra parts.

I think that the roof should extend some, add some windows, and you could scatter whatever you are selling in the shop around the outside as if somebody dropped it. You can also look up some reference pictures of the style you are going for. Also, try going to different simulators to see what their shop looks like for inspiration.

Compare and contrast, join other simulators and see how they made their shop. There is also one of the best sources out there, google images. Me personally, before I became good at building I just practiced a lot and searched up what I was trying to build.

Some progress

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I made a simulator shop a while ago, perhaps you could take some inspiration from it.

It’s a plain one, but it could make your build look “less boring”.

Add some more depth to the entrance door,to those Shop Pads (Also some Bright-Orange neons that are placed a bit higher than them would make them look better).

Your windows are too big for your shop,make them with 1 brick smaller,they are too close to the corner and the garrage door.
Also you could add edges to the roof,so the roof will be lower than them,it will add more depth and also some space for exterion improvement like roof vents,Shop sign.
You could add some bricks on the walls too.

Well, it depends on the type of simulator. Try to make it fit with the design of the game. For what you made there, it looks nice. Maybe a few more of those barrels would look nice.

The building structure itself is boring, minor details like curves makes it less bland. Look at @cshszn’s reference for example, it resembles a cartoony architecture design. I believe the main problem is how you’re building in studio whereas everyone other builder on the FP has moved on to 3D modeling platforms like blender.

Studio has too many limitations for a builder, even workarounds like unions isn’t sustainable anymore.

Maybe add some text on the top that says ‘Shop’. If you have trouble making 3d letters then you could use this plugin.