Need Help with something [Idk what to name this]

Do anyone here know how to make TextButton appear if you put any word in Textbot.text “yes”, but TextButton will disappear if the Textbox.text is empty like this " "

hope you understand what I meant

try using the .Changed event to check if the textbutton has any text on it. if it doesn’t then just make it invisible.

  1. TextBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text")
  2. TextBox.Changed()

I suggest using 1 tho

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what about TextBox.Changed() ?

edited: NVM

Im stupid
like this? [idk, Im stupid though]

It should be more like:

local TextBox = script.Parent
local Button = script.Parent.Teleport

    if string.len(TextBox.ContentText) > 0 then 
        Button.Visible = true
        Button.Visible = false
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just like that? damn, I’ve seen you 2 times now
thanks for helping btw

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