Need Help with Stealth Wall Hiding System

  1. What do you want to achieve? i want to achieve a stealth wall hiding system (i guess thats what its called) like the game called Traversal

  2. What is the issue? i’ve been working on it and i did good but the problem is with the CFrames and that it doesn’t rotate the player when he presses the R key. please include screenshots or videos if possible!

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? i did look on devforum and tried but it didn’t work

here is the code:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character
local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local function Raycast()
	local rayCast =
	rayCast.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include
	rayCast.FilterDescendantsInstances = game.Workspace.Walls:GetChildren()
	local rayCastresult = workspace:Raycast(char.HumanoidRootPart.Position, char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * 3, rayCast)
	return rayCastresult


for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Walls:GetChildren()) do
	uis.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, psx)
		if psx then return end

		if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R then
			local raycast = Raycast()
			if raycast.Instance then
				if raycast.Instance == v then
					local pos =
					char.Head.CFrame = pos
					--[[local animation = script.Animation
					local animationPlay = char.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)


I’m not asking for a whole Code. I’m just asking for help.

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Number 1 : Use the HumanoidRootPart rather than the head, i understand when you use Roblox’s character loader it sets the primary part to the head. (if your wanting an r6 rig)

What i think you mean by wall hiding system is wall leaning, what i would do is to create a weld between the wall and players root and will update depending on direction keys which would be a-bit difficult because if the camera moves to the edge of the wall and presses forward it would do nothing.

Here’s my rough sketch

local weld = nil -- saving the weld instance

function alignCharacterToWall(raycast:RaycastResult, character:Model) -- aligning the character to the wall
	if weld ~= nil then return end
	weld ='Weld')
	local root = character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') or character.PrimaryPart
	weld.Parent = root
	local rayInstance = raycast.Instance
	local part0CF = weld.Parent.CFrame
	local part1CF = rayInstance.CFrame
	weld.Part0 = weld.Parent
	weld.Part1 = rayInstance
	local directionOffset = raycast.Normal.Unit*0.5
	root.CFrame = * CFrame.lookAt(root.Position, directionOffset)
	weld.C0 = part0CF:inverse() * part1CF

function move(weld, isGoingLeft) -- making the character move depending on a boolean
	if not weld or not weld:IsA('Weld') then return end
	local dir = 1
	if isGoingLeft then dir = -1 end
	local p:Part
	weld.C0 = weld.C0 *,0,dir)

function disconnect() -- removing the weld
	if not weld or not weld:IsA('Weld') then return else weld:Destroy() weld = nil end

please reply to me again if this doesnt work right…

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Annotation 2024-04-19 131507
thats what happens

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hmmm… try switching part0 with the ray instance. and is it anchored?

Annotation 2024-04-19 131923
and yes the wall is anchored

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my bad replace it with this.

function alignCharacterToWall(raycast:RaycastResult, character:Model) -- aligning the character to the wall
	if weld ~= nil then return end
	weld ='Weld')
	local root = character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') or character.PrimaryPart
	weld.Parent = root
	local rayInstance = raycast.Instance
	local part0CF = weld.Parent.CFrame
	local part1CF = rayInstance.CFrame
	weld.Part0 = weld.Parent
	local directionOffset = raycast.Normal.Unit*0.5
	root.CFrame = * CFrame.lookAt(root.Position, directionOffset)
	weld.C0 = part0CF:inverse() * part1CF
	weld.Part1 = rayInstance -- put it here...

sorry im currently fixing it right now.

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its alright man. thank you for your time though

Annotation 2024-04-19 134506
its kinda working but i cannot move

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u have to connect the move to a loop and the move has to be activated when the selected keys would move i should’ve also multiplied it by delta…

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I apologise but this was the farthest i could go, im not experienced with cframes

function alignCharacterToWall(raycast:RaycastResult, character:Model) -- aligning the character to the wall
	if weld ~= nil or not raycast then return end
	weld ='Weld')
	local root = character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') or character.PrimaryPart
	local humanoid:Humanoid = character:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
	humanoid.AutoRotate = false
	weld.Parent = root
	local rayInstance = raycast.Instance
	local part0CF:CFrame = weld.Parent.CFrame
	local part1CF:CFrame = rayInstance.CFrame
	weld.Part0 = weld.Parent
	local directionOffset = raycast.Normal
	weld.C0 = part0CF:ToObjectSpace(part1CF)
	weld.Part1 = rayInstance
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i solved it actually. it was simple than what i thought, i basically made a part inside the Character Model to be backwards the HumanoidRootPart and then using, the part i made) and also it can be tweened which is totally what i wanted.

thanks for your time.

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