Hello there, I have asked peoples in devforum to help me with fixing the issues with my roblox studio scripting, in this case I was trying to make an script for Sol’s RNG like game… and after to much times of using Roblox Studio’s in-built AI script helper and ChatGPT’s Script support for more then hours straight, I still couldn’t make the script work properly…
What do you want to achieve? - I want this script I am about to show you below to Save and load the player’s data properly whenever they leave, got disconnected, rejoins the game,
What is the issue? - I don’t know what exactly is causing an error that the old script which does not uses an profileservice does not save the new player data to the datastore, and why the new script which has adapted the profileservice system shows Error + Warn shown below section 3… but am asking developers in the devforum if they could help me with this issue…
What solutions have you tried so far? I have attempted to Use an something called ProfileService for make the script do an Datastore deeds they were supposed to, but when I apply the script into Script in ServerScriptService, it shows Error and Warn at the same time, here is the result.
{Error + Warn that was shown on the Output when used an new script which uses an ProfileService}
“DataStoreService: CantStoreValue: Cannot store Dictionary in data store. Data stores can only accept valid UTF-8 characters. API: UpdateAsync, Data Store: PlayerDataStore ” (Error)
“[ProfileService]: DataStore API error [Store:“PlayerDataStore”;Key:“1015911803”] - “104: Cannot store Dictionary in data store. Data stores can only accept valid UTF-8 characters.” ” (Warn)
I will show you the Script codes of the old script which does not uses an profileservice + new script which uses an profileservice, and an rbxl file of the test experience which has other scripts in the ReplicatedStorage and such for the old version of script which does not uses an ProfileService, hope this helps for trying to fix the script
-- Old Script without ProfileService systems
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RollEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RollEvent")
local Chances = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Chances"))
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local playerDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerDataStore")
local Inventory = {}
-- Function to save player data to DataStore
local function SavePlayerData(User)
local userId = User.UserId
local success, err = pcall(function()
local rolls = User:FindFirstChild("leaderstats"):FindFirstChild("Rolls").Value
local saveData = {Inventory = Inventory[userId], Rolls = rolls}
-- Update the existing data in the DataStore instead of overwriting it
local existingData = playerDataStore:GetAsync("PlayerData"..userId) or {}
for key, value in pairs(saveData) do
existingData[key] = value
playerDataStore:SetAsync("PlayerData"..userId, existingData)
if not success then
warn("Failed to save data for player "..userId..": "..err)
-- Function to handle player join
local function PlayerJoined(User)
-- Step 1: Create the leaderstats folder and parent it to the User
local LeaderStats = Instance.new("Folder", User)
LeaderStats.Name = "leaderstats"
-- Step 2: Create the Rolls IntValue inside the leaderstats folder
local Rolls = Instance.new("IntValue", LeaderStats)
Rolls.Name = "Rolls"
-- Attempt to load the player's data
local userId = User.UserId
local success, data = pcall(function()
return playerDataStore:GetAsync("PlayerData"..userId)
-- Handle the retrieved or default data
if success then
if data then
Inventory[userId] = data.Inventory or {
Limit = 10,
LatestRoll = nil,
Equipped = nil,
Backpack = {}
-- Load the Rolls value
local rollsValue = data.Rolls or 0
Rolls.Value = rollsValue
Inventory[userId] = {
Limit = 10,
LatestRoll = nil,
Equipped = nil,
Backpack = {}
Rolls.Value = 0 -- Default Rolls value if no data is found
-- Log an error if data retrieval failed
warn("Failed to load data for player "..userId)
-- Function to handle player leaving
local function PlayerLeft(User)
-- Connect events
local SelectRNG = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SelectRNG"))
RollEvent.OnServerInvoke = function(User, Header)
local UserInventory = Inventory[User.UserId]
local UserLimit = UserInventory["Limit"]
local Backpack = UserInventory["Backpack"]
if Header == "Get" then
if #Backpack >= UserLimit then
table.remove(Backpack, table.find(Backpack, UserInventory["Equipped"]) or UserLimit)
table.insert(Backpack, UserInventory["LastestRoll"])
elseif Header == "Waste" then
UserInventory["LastestRoll"] = nil
elseif Header == "GetInventory" then
return Backpack
local Result = Chances[SelectRNG(User)][1]
UserInventory["LastestRoll"] = Result
return Result
--new script which uses an profileservice system
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ProfileService = game.ServerScriptService.ProfileService -- Assuming ProfileService is in ServerScriptService
local RollEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RollEvent")
local Chances = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Chances"))
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local playerDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerDataStore")
local Inventory = {}
-- ProfileService Setup
local profileStore = ProfileService.GetProfileStore(
DataStore = playerDataStore,
OnProfileLoad = function(profile)
-- Initialize default values if profile data is empty
profile.Data.Inventory = profile.Data.Inventory or {
Limit = 10,
LatestRoll = nil,
Equipped = nil,
Backpack = {}
profile.Data.Rolls = profile.Data.Rolls or 0
-- Function to save player data
local function SavePlayerData(profile)
profile.Data.Inventory = Inventory[profile.UserId]
-- Function to handle player join
local function PlayerJoined(User)
local profile = profileStore:LoadProfileAsync(User.UserId, "ForceLoad")
if profile then
warn("Failed to load profile for player "..User.UserId)
-- Function to handle player leaving
local function PlayerLeft(User)
local profile = profileStore:LoadProfileAsync(User.UserId)
if profile then
-- Connect events
local SelectRNG = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SelectRNG"))
RollEvent.OnServerInvoke = function(User, Header)
local profile = profileStore:LoadProfileAsync(User.UserId)
if profile then
local UserInventory = profile.Data.Inventory
local UserLimit = UserInventory["Limit"]
local Backpack = UserInventory["Backpack"]
if Header == "Get" then
if #Backpack >= UserLimit then
table.remove(Backpack, table.find(Backpack, UserInventory["Equipped"]) or UserLimit)
table.insert(Backpack, UserInventory["LastestRoll"])
elseif Header == "Waste" then
UserInventory["LastestRoll"] = nil
elseif Header == "GetInventory" then
return Backpack
local Result = Chances[SelectRNG(User)][1]
UserInventory["LastestRoll"] = Result
return Result
if profile then profile:Release() end
and also this rbxl file of the test game to, I can donate the people who did fixed the issues or errors in the script ~70 R$ in their game if they do want to… I am that desperate to fix this script… I have used ChatGPT and such to fix the script by myself but it keeps on not working properly…
SolsRNGLikeGameTest1.rbxl (72.2 KB)
thank you for reading my Topic post