Hello, I’m trying to make a button where if someone clicks it, a dev product pops up for purchase. If the user buys it, it will immediately switch them to either Red team, Yellow team, Green team, or Blue team.
So far I have this:
-- Constants
local RED_TEAM = "Red"
local YELLOW_TEAM = "Yellow"
local GREEN_TEAM = "Green"
local BLUE_TEAM = "Blue"
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
-- Developer product ID
local devProductID = 1569120599 -- Replace with the ID of your developer product
-- Function to assign a team to the player
local function assignTeam(player)
-- Check if the player is already on a team
-- Place the player on a random team
local randomTeam = math.random(1, 4)
if randomTeam == 1 then
player.Team = game.Teams[RED_TEAM]
elseif randomTeam == 2 then
player.Team = game.Teams[YELLOW_TEAM]
elseif randomTeam == 3 then
player.Team = game.Teams[GREEN_TEAM]
player.Team = game.Teams[BLUE_TEAM]
-- Function to handle button click
local function handleButtonClick(player)
-- Check if the player has already purchased the developer product
if player:FindFirstChild(devProductID) then
-- Prompt the player to purchase the developer product
local marketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local playerProductId = marketplaceService:GetProductInfo(devProductID).ProductId
marketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase(player, playerProductId)
-- Find the button and connect the click event
local button = script.Parent
To be honest with you, i’m not the best scripter so I often make mistakes or don’t recognize anything. I’ve tried using chatgpt to find a fix but every time it says it finds a fix it never works so I came here!