Need help with targetting a certain position with BodyPosition

script.Parent.BodyPosition.Position =,500),0,math.random(-500,500)) -- Set the target BP(BodyPosition) to an area of 500 studs
script.Parent.Position =,2000),850,math.random(-2000,2000)) -- Putting the first position of the object 

Somehow the parts goes to the target too fast and usually goes off-course to the supposed area of 500 studs square
Any help?

BodyPosition requires you set a position for it to target… The “D” value of BodyPosition is the Dampening value. Dampening slows the object when it gets closer to the target.

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You don’t need to set the position. If the script.Parent is an unanchored part then the part will move when you set the bodyposition’s BodyPosition property.

To change the speeds, play around with the D, MaxForce, P, properties

Also, youre going to want a bodygyro if you want it to stop spinning

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If it was too slow will it affect the part falling down because of its weight?(Density)

I’m not 100% sure but I imagine if the dampening value is too high and the position close enough to the ground then that could be possible.

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Well thanks for the help, ill put solution to the comment i replied on, if there are better details, i might change it. Anyway have a great day :slight_smile: