local function startAutoRolling()
while isAutoRolling and not rollDisabled do
rollDisabled = true
roll(mainGui.Assets, rollButton)
To start running the function I use:
One of the things it checks for is if rollDisabled is true or not, if it is true it stops running the function, but that means that I need to run task.spawn(startAutoRolling) again to make it run.
Will running task.spawn over and over again lag my game (or the player?) and Is there a different way of doing this besides task.spawn if it does cause lag.
Hey! Is there a particular reason why you don’t set rollDisabled to false right after the roll? I’m assuming it serves the purpose of a debounce.
local function startAutoRolling()
while isAutoRolling and not rollDisabled do
rollDisabled = true
roll(mainGui.Assets, rollButton)
rollDisabled = false -- right here
After using task.Spawn() and it stops I see no reason why it should lag the game unless you are overlapping them hundreds of times without the loops ending.